上个星期三回来香港 一直到现在才有空
所谓的有空是 好好睡觉 出去吃饭 慢慢走路 洗衣服
第一个很恐怖的report 交上去了 拿回来了 开会了 present了
大学第一个最低分 8/20
全组人惊讶无比 不知道到底问题出在哪里
是老师太主观 还是根本他就是鸡蛋里挑骨头
战战兢兢这样过了一个星期 接下来的每一个星期都有这样的心情
Mid Term Reports Job Applications 还有这个恐怖的Group Projects
太充实 太忙碌 太匆忙
昨天 Dean's List Tea Reception
交际 假笑 名利 金钱 现实
不喜欢拿着杯子假装听人家说什么工作比较好 然后默默点头认同
不喜欢听人家说这件衣服是订做的 明明就不是很好看 拼命说好看好看
不喜欢明明就不认识人家 还要说其实我以前见过你 我是Yan,你?
全部都是Bull Shit.
他说 打铁要趁热!你要interview她我现在带你去让你认识
他还说 幸好我没有给你很低的Grade,我上次给你什么grade?
我说 A
他说 我就知道,因为你没有来找我,以你的个性如果很低Grade你会出现在我office
我笑笑 相处一个学期的老师都知道这样的pattern
Well 真的谢谢你那么细心
8/20 明天要第二次resubmit 那个picky的老师会不会再一次说shame on you, rubbish, sloppy
还是很恐惧 对不起我无法放松身体任何一条神经
为什么在要毕业了 还有这样的打击
last battle
HELLO my last semester.
You've already shocked me at the very first week.
Non-stop meetings and tight schedule, guess this semester will be hard huh?
**Oh BTW, I am so happy that I finally got the result I wish to score in Year 1,
and it was higher than my goal. So keep it up and move on. :)**
For the past two semesters, I used to set up goals for that semester. So for this harsh semester, I only have two goals :
1. Maintain the score
2. Find a good job
Pretty simple but somehow hard.
Well, no more talking, put them in action.
And seriously need to work on my emotions. I need to be stronger to fight for the last battle.
So smile and move on.
You've already shocked me at the very first week.
Non-stop meetings and tight schedule, guess this semester will be hard huh?
**Oh BTW, I am so happy that I finally got the result I wish to score in Year 1,
and it was higher than my goal. So keep it up and move on. :)**
For the past two semesters, I used to set up goals for that semester. So for this harsh semester, I only have two goals :
1. Maintain the score
2. Find a good job
Pretty simple but somehow hard.
Well, no more talking, put them in action.
And seriously need to work on my emotions. I need to be stronger to fight for the last battle.
So smile and move on.
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