
last battle

HELLO my last semester.
You've already shocked me at the very first week.
Non-stop meetings and tight schedule, guess this semester will be hard huh?

**Oh BTW, I am so happy that I finally got the result I wish to score in Year 1,
and it was higher than my goal. So keep it up and move on. :)**

For the past two semesters, I used to set up goals for that semester. So for this harsh semester, I only have two goals :

1. Maintain the score
2. Find a good job

Pretty simple but somehow hard.
Well, no more talking, put them in action.

And seriously need to work on my emotions. I need to be stronger to fight for the last battle.

So smile and move on.

1 条评论:

匿名 说...

加油!我也是最后一个学期了~ 时间过得好快啊...