

"You are carrying Gucci's bag, wearing Tiffany&Co's ring and Cartier's diamond watch, applying Channel no.5 and in a Prada dress.
I only feel pathetic to you because you are not the one who earn money."

Or in another word, I will respect you, if you do earn the money by yourself and spend on these luxury goods. If you are not, why showing off? You might gain respect from others who see you in the branded image, but how about others who know where your money come from? If wearing MONEY on you makes you feel respected, why don't just make yourself a dress with all USD notes?

Here comes the debate : How do you classify luxury goods?
Well, different people has different perception.
My friend thinks that other than necessity goods, it's luxury goods. For me, those big brands whose marginal cost is super high and carrying social status are luxury goods. And you? I am sure it will be a different answer.

In Hong Kong, it is the fact that luxury goods show your identity. It is materialistic and realistic, I know. It is not surprise if you see a middle age woman carrying LV bag but wearing plain color clothes, walking on one of the busiest street in Central. It is so sarcastic, people will tag you by seeing you with a LV bag, no matter what you are wearing--"WOW, LV Bag!" And you gained social status.

I couldn't remember who told me about this statement "Rich people will not show what the brands they are wearing." Proof? Well, one of my senior whose father is one of the directors from a big company do not show off how rich he is by wearing Ralph Lauren, or wearing a Rolex. However, he is REALLY RICH.

I am not saying that buying branded goods are pathetic, it's just that if the money you spend on it is not your own money, then forget about it, you are wasting your money to gain fake respects.
If you do gain them yourself, you are Brilliant, give you all the respects.

However, the purpose of buying branded goods shouldn't be showing off, it should be fulfilling your "self-esteem" or even "self actualization"needs. Gaining respects or not is no longer the focus point, you are wearing it, you are the one who feel happy, then it's enough, isn't it?

Thus, branded goods' marketing strategies are the "prime criminal" of this phenomenon. Social status, reference groups, peer pressure etc.
So cool, I am studying Marketing, a future marketer. I am the one who will be doing this. And what? I don't like this phenomenon. But this is so true, this is the fact, this is a technique to attract consumers. (Somehow I feel sad to myself that I am so sensitive to the marketing strategies that different brands use in order to attract consumers, till I couldn't really enjoy the promotions.)

And maybe someday I will be carrying Prada, applying Dior perfume. Hopefully those luxury brands I bought are to entertain myself instead of others. Hopefully.

Main point of this article? NAHHHHH...just forget about it. It's just something that a very sick and blur and tired person wrote.

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Ling Ching 说...

其中一个女生朋友,她非常喜欢PUMA。其实PUMA不就是个中等价位的运动品牌,她把PUMA当成神这样拜。全身上下都是PUMA!而且,她还去注意别人穿什么品牌。那时去学校穿了一件很普通的OREEF tshirt去上课,她就很大惊小怪地说:“咦~~~~这是OREEF的哦~~~~”我在想,这衣服有什么不对吗?还是她觉得我买不起?回想起来,这已经是大学一年级的事了。现在,她简直就是变本加厉。顺带一句,她男朋友是驾BMW的。
还有一个男生朋友也是!他在宿舍有自己的鞋架,上面摆了超过十双的鞋子!就NIKE,ADIDAS,PUMA and etc咯。还买了BEATS的耳机,要整千多马币啊!但是他只是拿来普通用,并没有什么特别需要。他都是在花妈妈的钱。